Sustainability Report

The Fraport Group considers values and commitments of sustainable development as the central drivers of strategic planning and management, since the present and the future of the airport industry are closely related to challenges and opportunities of decarbonisation of the industry, and to other environmental aspects. At the same time, flight connections remain in perspective an important generator of social prosperity and progress, economically, technologically and socially.  

Fraport Slovenija operates within this context. This gives us an important starting point for the compliance with all sustainable commitments of our owner, which we adapt and upgrade according to our own specifics.  

We are committed to act in the manner of not endangering the natural and social environment. By carrying out several different activities in the environment where we operate and live, we will strive to give something back and to make the environment richer. The impacts which the local environment perceives as annoying, f. e. noise, are systematically being reduced, in dialogue with social partners. We strive to act preventively, proactively and encouragingly in all the areas, in the sense of a partnership dialogue.

It is our wish to chart out our future with sustainable development. Therefore, we will systematically perform all the necessary to reduce CO2 emissions and to make our business operations greener with the use of sustainable practices. We included the development of the strategy with specific concrete projects and milestones on the road to carbon neutrality among the top ten key projects in 2022.

Discover more about our sustainable efforts in the video stories

Trajnostni odnos do okolja


A sustainable attitude towards the environment

Trajnostno komuniciranje


Sustainable communication

Trajnostni odnosi s potniki


Sustainable relationships with passengers, visitors and business partners

Trajnostni odnosi z zaposlenimi


Sustainable relations with employees

Strategija in poslovanje družbe


The company's strategy and operations

Družbeno odgovorni projekti


Socially responsible projects

Sustainability Reports


Fraport Team

Sustainability Report 2022

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